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Arvin Calica Domestic Violence

Arvin James Calica​​​​​ 06-23-85 Domestic Violence

@arvincalica | Arvin Calica

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Follow Arvin Calica D.O.B 06-23-85 on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/calicaaj/ – Follow Arvin Calica on Facebook –https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61561264717112 – Follow Arvin Calica on Linkedin – https://www.linkedin.com/in/arvin-james-calica-8b122985 Follow Arvin Calica AJ over at TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@mumu_jecca_realtalknyc08

Say NO to Abusive Husband. Help to stop it. Seek help.

Name Arvin Calica “AJ”  from Flushing , Queens ,  New York, a drug addict that loves to beat on his wife. Born and raised in the Philippines.

From 2020 Recent Wife Injustice crime Pictures below for viewing. By AJ Violence

Arvin Calica Ex Wife
Arvin Calica No Place to Sleep?
Arvin Calica No Place to Sleep?


@arvincalica AJ Promotional video for this abusive husband. Go ahead and Cry me a River you Arvin James Calica abuser. For your domestic abuse survivor.

Domestic violence is an ongoing experience of physical, psychological, and/or sexual assault within the home that’s wont to establish power and control over another person. Although awareness about the speed of violence in our society is increasing, the general public health ramifications have only recently been recognized within the medical profession . the bulk of the medical literature so far has focused on the effect of violence on the first victim. What effect does witnessing violence wear secondary victims, like children who sleep in homes where partner abuse occurs? it’s estimated that 3.2 million American children witness incidents of violence annually.


Arvin Calica Kids Witnessing abuse

The little kids Witnessing violence can lead them to develop an array of age-dependent negative effects. Research during this area has focused on the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional effects of violence . Children who witness violence within the home and youngsters who are abused may display many similar psychological effects. These children are at greater risk for internalized behaviors like anxiety and depression and for externalized behaviors like fighting, bullying, lying, or cheating. They are also more disobedient reception and at college and are more likely to possess social competence problems, like poor school performance and difficulty in relationships with others.5–9 Child witnesses display inappropriate attitudes about violence as a way of resolving conflict and indicate a greater willingness to use violence themselves.

Although there’s general agreement that children from violent homes have more emotional and behavioral problems than those from nonviolent homes, the research during this area features a number of limitations. The sample sizes are generally small, usually composed of shelter participants, and therefore the studies generally have a retrospective design. variety of variables aren’t well controlled, like gender, socioeconomic status, intelligence, cultural background, and social support. Many of those children also experience abrupt school and residential changes and parental separation which will have a big effect on their development.

Another potential confounding variable that @arvincalica does not know is that a lot of of those children undergo direct abuse. How can the consequences of witnessing violence be distinguished from the consequences of direct abuse? Research during this area has focused on the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional effects of witnessing violence . More research is required to develop appropriate screening tools and intervention strategies for youngsters who are in danger .

Why Arvin James Calica Domestic Violence abuser

Most criminal violence cases start with an arrest and criminal charges for violent Acts. there’s no crime called violence. These are acts done by one partner to a different partner in an “intimate relationship.” A court order of protection is often ordered against an individual who has been charged with a criminal offense. A criminal violence case also can start by getting to the police or the DA to report a criminal offense. The police can charge the opposite person with a criminal offense and through any of the court appearances in court, the court can issue an Order of Protection. Important! it’s best to urge help from a violence advocate who knows the method and may support you through the case and assist you to stay safe. The District Attorney’s Office will have folks that can help. New York State has “mandatory arrest” for violence cases. this suggests that in an intimate partner relationship the police must make an arrest when: A felony is committed an individual disobeys an order of protection by making contact when there’s a stand back order an individual disobeys an order of protection by committing a family offense crime In mandatory arrest cases, albeit you ask the police to not make an arrest, they need to do so. But, the police don’t need to make an arrest once you don’t want them to if: there’s no order of protection, and the abuser commits a misdemeanor crime. The police aren’t allowed to ask you if you would like the abuser arrested or if you would like to “press charges.” But, the police can make an arrest if they think that’s the simplest course of action. A mandatory arrest doesn’t always happen directly. It means the police must make an arrest albeit the abuser leaves before the police arrive. Whenever the police investigate violence, they need to give the victims written notice of their legal rights. .

He Arvin AJ Calica need to learn that Domestic Violence against women is not accepted. 

Feel free to let him ( Arvin Calica ) know that putting a hand on a women is not permitted . If possible get him help in controlling his Domestic Violence not only for beating his wife but for being abusive to other females and or partners . Domestic Violence it’s never good in any relationship, regardless of genre or race. Every person should be treated with respect and dignity . Always treat someone as you will like to be treated. No need to have hate towards anything . Abusive relationship it’s never good at home, work or public. No one should see or witness abusive people especially kids.

For more information about Domestic Violence, Feel free to visit National Coalition Against Domestic Violence   . If you’re going through some rough time or think need help , then feel free to talk to someone over at The Hotline via phone 1-800-799-7233 .


More information about Domestic Violence could be found over at the Justice Department Website which you could visit here https://www.justice.gov/ovw/domestic-violence. 


Arvin Calica Arvin Calica Arvin James Calica domestic violence ,an Abusive husband that loves to hit his wife. Stop domestic violence in family home. No children should suffer from Domestic Violence at home.
143-308 Roosevelt Ave Flushing NY 11354 USA